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10 Carry-On Must Haves

Nowadays, restrictions on carry-on baggage are getting ridiculously stringent. Many airlines are un-popularly opting to charge for carry-on baggage.

As a traveler, it is often necessary to have a carry-on; however, strategically selecting carry-on items to maximize the various airline restrictions is critical. The goal, strategically selecting carry-on items with multiple functions, while resisting the urge to overpack the carry-on.

Because of the endless to-do lists prior to traveling, we’ve put together the below list of carry-on must haves.  


1.     One complete change of clothes – including under garments.

The more you travel, the more you learn that things don’t always go as planned. Travelers may arrive at destinations with no luggage or luggage may arrive at destinations with no travelers. Typically, it takes approximately 24 – 36 hours for luggage and travelers to catch up to one another.

Travel clothes (the outfit you actually wear to travel) + clothes in a carry-on = 2 outfit options.

In the event there is a lengthy delay in the reunification of you with your luggage, two (2) outfit options ensures that you can wear one outfit while the other outfit is being laundered.


2.    Travel pillow

Travel usually requires being uncomfortably confined to a small space in an unnatural position for several hours. Anything you can do to make yourself moderately comfortable should definitely be exploited, especially on long haul flights. 

Many airlines provide a form of a pillow upon request. However, due to ergonomic (i.e., comfort) and hygienic (i.e., cleanliness) reasons carrying one’s own pillow is highly recommended. Furthermore, travel pillows also alleviate travelers from accidentally utilizing one seatmate’s shoulder as a pillow.

Travel pillows are truly personal items, however, a full-sized pillow is likely overkill. As a rule of thumb, consider selecting a travel pillow that can either be attached to your carry-on or can be slipped inside your carry-on without taking up too much precious carry-on real estate.


3.    Travel socks

Experts recommend taking off your shoes while on long haul flights to prevent swelling and other discomfort. A pair of fluffy soft durable travel socks can be utilized to keep your feet warm and for limited walking up and down the aisles.

DO NOT wear travel socks exclusively to the airplane lavatory. Airplane lavatories in particular are a breading ground for germs and pure nastiness.


4.    Lip balm & lotion

Airplanes are extremely dry environments. In addition the to hydration, ensuring that your body and lips are moisturized eliminates dry, cracked, itchy skin.  

I recommend a couple of 3 ounce bottles of lotion and several containers of lip balm, i.e., chapstick.


5.    Tooth brush & tooth paste

High-end airlines, such as Emirates, provide each passenger with toothbrush and toothpaste. Regardless, having a toothbrush and toothpaste obviously has dual functions, i.e., you can (1) freshen up while in flight and (2) use for daily hygiene.


6.    A sweater or large shawl

Airplanes, airports, trains and train stations have a tendency to be chilly. A sweater or a large shawl has multiple functions – keeping you warm while in the plane or train and on chilly nights at your travel destination.


7.     Chargers & Universal Plug

In a highly technological society, many of our trinkets, i.e., cellphones, tablets and cameras, require electricity to rejuvenate batteries. In order to rejuvenate batteries, chargers are necessary. If chargers are in checked baggage, in the unfortunate event checked luggage is temporarily or permanently separated from you, the ability to “connect” may be hampered by a non-functioning trinket. You may be able to purchase a charger at your travel destination, but I wouldn’t count on it – especially considering voltage requirements and adaptability (plug type).

Make sure to carry a universal plug adapter as well.


8.    Sanitizing wipes

Traveling at times can be unsanitary. Sanitizing wipes, i.e., Wet Ones, provide the ability to disinfect seats, tray tables, arm rests, etc.


9.    A pen

You will need a pen at some point on your trip. Rather than asking a stranger for a pen, bring your own.


10. Headphones

Many airlines will either provide you with headphone or charge you for headphones. For comfort and reliability, bring your own headphones. Consider noise-cancelling headphones to eliminate the cabin noise.