About Feasts + Faraway Places

We're full-time business professionals with limited vacation days and holidays, traveling with (and caring for) our young children and aging parents and grandparents.

We're strategic travelers – we maximize our experiences and opportunities while traveling on a condensed timeline. While traveling we also try to highlight local experiences – from dining to activity selection.

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Meet Lauren

Lauren is a Christian, wife, mother, and corporate attorney who attended the University of Oklahoma (twice). #Boomer #Sooner #BoomerSooner #OU

Born and raised in Houston, Texas, Lauren started traveling as a toddler.

Lauren is the planner, i.e., the logistics savant, and the primary writer for Feasts + Faraway Places.

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Meet Michael

Michael is a husband, father, project manager and entrepreneur who attended Pepperdine University and the University of Houston. #GoCougs

Born and raised in and near Houston, Michael started traveling as a toddler.

Michael is the dreamer.